Experience Our Chapel Services
February 8, 2023
At Maria Joseph Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, we consider it a privilege to offer a stunning full-size church within our beautiful campus. We have re-opened the doors again, offering spiritual care, chapel services, and memorial services for those who have resided with us, and on occasion, we have the joy of hosting a wedding.
We were recently honored by the family of one of our residents to hold a memorial service for their loved one. Our chaplain, who we affectionately call "Pastor," coordinated a beautiful service along with Tracye Martin, RN, ADON, who gave the eulogy. It's nice to see our chapel being used for the purpose it was created.
Maria Joseph's "Pastor" and Trayce Martin, RN, ADON
As you enter Maria Joseph's main entrance and climb the stairs to the lobby, you'll be drawn to the beautiful Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. The chapel was dedicated on September 8, 1923, and went through two major renovations, one in 1943 and then again in 1960. The Most Reverend Archbishop Moeller was the principal celebrant. Perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by the Sisters of the Precious Blood began the following night. The altar was a gift from the Fathers of the Precious Blood. The Carrara marble and gold mosaics were imported from Italy. One side altar was brought from St. Stephen Church in Cincinnati and redesigned to conform to the Romanesque style.
The ageless stained-glass windows were purchased from F.X. Zettler Co. in Munich, Germany. There are 12 windows in the main chapel depicting events such as Agony in the Garden, Crowning with Thorns, Crucifixion, Presentation of Mary, Holy Family, St. Gaspar, Flagellation, Carrying of Cross, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Death of St. Francis and St. Peter on Water. There are 26 windows in the side chapels, all with similar depictions, and the four windows in the sanctuary depict an angel.
The bells in the chapel were electrified in 1938. The pipe organ was built by Hillgreen & Lane, Co. in Alliance, Ohio, and was dedicated on May 30, 1948, containing 1842 pipes. The organ was sold to the Holy Family Parish in Dayton at an unknown time. A restored pipe organ was installed in the main part of the chapel by the Peebles-Herzog Co. of Columbus, Ohio, in 2002.
Sister Eileen Tomlinson designed the podiums and the front altar. She also hand-carved six candle sticks, two of which are still used every day at Mass. The two seven-branch candelabras currently stored at the work sacristy were also carved by Sister Eileen.
We love that our residents can enjoy a full-service chapel while residing with us. Sharing the beauty of its story allows the beautiful legacy to live on. For more information about our chapel services, click the button below to reach out to our team.
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